WWII: Ambush
Junior Environment Artist on level
Responsible for set dressing Barracks interiors, exteriors, surrounding areas, infil road, medical tent, overwatch tower interior and exterior. Created or heavily modified all world-building geometry in these areas, excluding props and materials unless otherwise stated.
Not for download or distribution without prior written approval from Activision.

Set dressing of barracks exteriors and surrounding areas

Set dressing of barracks exteriors and surrounding areas

Set dressing of barracks exteriors and surrounding areas

Set dressing of barracks surrounding area

Set dressing of barracks exteriors and surrounding areas

Set dressing of overwatch tower exterior and surrounding areas

Set dressing of overwatch tower interior

Set dressing of overwatch tower interior and authored modular staircase assets

Set dressing of barracks interior

Set dressing of barracks interior

Set dressing of barracks interior

Set dressing of barracks interior

Set dressing of medical tent interior and authored the keyer asset

Road and surrounding vegetation treatment

Authored Keyer asset and materials

Authored modular bed asset and materials

Authored German sign assets and material sheet

Authored modular stair assets and materials

Authored US stove asset and materials